
Friday, 30 December 2011

Connectify PRO v.3.2 Full With Patch

Connectify PRO v.3.2 Full With Patch - Connectify PRO adalah software yang biasa digunakan untuk berrbagi koneksi internet antar komputer yang satu ( Pemilik/Pengirim Koneksi ) dengan Komputer lain ( Penerima Koneksi ) dengan melalui perangkat WiFi dan bukan melalui kabel ethernet seperti yang biasa kita temukan. saya juga belum paham tentang bagaimana cara kerja Software ini, tapi mungkin ini seperti halnya warnet yang memiliki 1 modem tapi koneksinya bisa dibagi-bagi ke beberapa komputer lain, nah sama halnya dengan fungsi software ini,yang membedakan sumbernya harus ada satu komputer yang memiliki koneksi internet yang akan dibagi ke Komputer/laptop lainnya (Mungkin). Oy Menurut Yang Saya Baca Dari Situs Resminya Sekrg Software Ini Support/Mendukung Komputer/Laptop Dengan OS Windows XP :)

Penggunaan software ini cukup mudah, anda hanya perlu memberi nama pada hotspot yang akan kita buat, setting password jika memang diperlukan, perangkat WiFi yang akan digunakan, modus keamanan dan memilih apakah akan mengaktifkan internet sharing atau tidak

Connectify Release Notes

New Pro Features:
  • Share over Ethernet: Connectify can now act as a wired Ethernet router. In the ‘Advanced Settings’, select ‘Share Over’, and then select your Ethernet card. In this mode, you can use your Connectify-enabled PC to get Ethernet-based devices onto Wi-Fi or 3G/4G networks.
  • Services under Clients: In the ‘Clients’ tab, you can click to expand Clients, showing the services (web servers, shared drives, etc.) right in the ‘Clients’ tab. This makes sharing and working together much easier.
  • Apple Bonjour Support: Pro versions of Connectify will now detect many Bonjour / Rendezvous / mDNS services running on connected clients. Automatically detect iTunes and other compatible application shares on connected computers, and click to launch.

  • New Connectify Support Center: The many utilities in the ‘Help’ menu have been merged into the Connectify Support Center. This powerful tool helps you troubleshoot any issues, and searches the updated Knowledge Base for related articles (also available online at http://support.connectify.me/forums). If you still can’t find your answer after that, Connectify Pro users can open a support ticket for a quick response, and free users can submit their logs, and while response times are not guaranteed, we appreciate you taking the time to suggest improvements and telling us about issues so we make improvements in future releases.

User Interface Improvements:
  • ‘Getting Started’ screen, shows users what to enter to get up-and-running quickly.
  • Some of the labels have been changed for clarification. For example “Wi-Fi” is now “Share Over”
  • The ‘History’ tab has been merged with the ‘Clients’ tab
  • Names of ‘Internet’ and ‘Share Over’ network adapters has been expanded. We now use the full name for network adapters in the user interface. This should be more informative than the abbreviated “Local Area Network 2” type names that we used in previous releases.

Bug Fixes:
  •  We’ve continued to work with Microsoft to work around various problems with Windows coming out of hibernation / sleep. We’ve tested hundreds of combinations of phones, tablets, laptops and applications for compatibility with Connectify.
Install note :
1. Install Connectify using the installer.
2. Close Connectify if it is already running. Also from the Taskbar.
3. Copy Patch to directory and Run, C:/Program File /connectify
4. Done.

Download Connectify PRO v.3.2 Full With Patch